Book Details
Paperback: 992 pages
Publisher: Sybex; Pap/Cdr edition (August 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0782124534
ISBN-13: 978-0782124538
Product Description
UML and Rational Rose--Your Key to Efficient, Effective Application Design
Mastering UML With Rational Rose offers expert instruction in the areas you need to master if you want to develop truly optimal application designs: the Unified Modeling Language, and Rational Rose, the world's leading visual modeling too. This book goes far beyond modeling: it teaches you how to use Rose to turn your UML diagrams into code--automatically, in the language of your choice. It also shows you how to reverse-engineer your existing applications, so you can learn more about how they're put together and how they can best be maintained and improved.
Coverage includes:
* Understanding UML
* Finding your way around Rational Rose
* Creating UML diagrams of all kinds
* Adding detail to existing UML diagrams
* Determining relationships and object behavior
* Working with sequences and state transitions
* Modeling according to use cases and actors
* Representing classes and packages
* Using Rose's component and deployment views
* Generating code automatically
* Handling language-specific code generation issues
* Generating Oracle8 database schemas
* Reverse-engineering existing applications
* Handling language-specific reverse-engineering issues
Card catalog description
"Mastering UML with Rational Rose offers expert instruction in the areas you need to master if you want to develop truly optimal application designs: the Unified Modeling Language, and Rational Rose, the world's leading visual modeling tool. This book goes far beyond modeling: it teaches you how to use Rose to turn your UML diagrams into code - automatically, in the language of your choice. It also shows you how to reverse-engineer your existing applications, so you can learn more about how they're put together and how they can best be maintained and improved."--BOOK JACKET.
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