Book Details
Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (April 4, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0201710374
ISBN-13: 978-0201710373
Book Info
An accessible introduction to the changing face of networking theory, Java technology, and the fundamental elements of the Java networking API. Uniquely suited for network programming and distributed computing. Softcover.
From the Back Cover
Java™ Network Programming and Distributed Computing is an accessible introduction to the changing face of networking theory, Java™ technology, and the fundamental elements of the Java networking API. With the explosive growth of the Internet, Web applications, and Web services, the majority of today’s programs and applications require some form of networking. Because it was created with extensive networking features, the Java programming language is uniquely suited for network programming and distributed computing.
Whether you are a Java devotee who needs a solid working knowledge of network programming or a network programmer needing to apply your existing skills to Java, this how-to guide is the one book you will want to keep close at hand. You will learn the basic concepts involved with networking and the practical application of the skills necessary to be an effective Java network programmer. An accelerated guide to networking API, Java™ Network Programming and Distributed Computing also serves as a comprehensive, example-rich reference.
You will learn to maximize the API structure through in-depth coverage of:
The architecture of the Internet and TCP/IP
Java’s input/output system
How to write to clients and servers using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and TCP
The advantages of multi-threaded applications
How to implement network protocols and see examples of client/server implementations
HTTP and how to write server-side Java applications for the Web
Distributed computing technologies such as Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and CORBA
How to access e-mail using the extensive and powerful JavaMail™ API
This book’s coverage of advanced topics such as input/output streaming and multi-threading allows even the most experienced Java developers to sharpen their skills. Java™ Network Programming and Distributed Computing will get you up-to-speed with network programming today; helping you employ innovative techniques in your own software development projects.
The companion Web site, http://www.davidreilly.com/jnpbook, offers downloadable source code, a list of FAQs about Java networking, and useful links to networking resources.
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