Book Details
•Paperback: 456 pages
•Publisher: New Riders Press; 1st edition (September 13, 2002)
•Language: English
•ISBN-10: 0735711836
•ISBN-13: 978-0735711839
Book Description
Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript takes you beyond the level of “neat” code tricks and teaches you how to architect and implement true Macromedia Flash MX applications. You will also learn the programming theory needed to take full advantage of the object-oriented nature of ActionScript.
Nearly a third of the book is focused on teaching you everything there is to know about one of the most powerful new features of Flash MX:components. The topics range from understanding and using components, to constructing custom components. This book also recognizes the uniqueness of ActionScript and clarifies because the best practices when it comes to developing with it. The final third of this book teaches you the best methods for working with advanced-level ActionScript-from debugging data structures to server-side interaction.
From the Publisher
Two of the smarter young guns you’ll meet in the Flash development world, Branden Hall and Samuel Wan, go back a way with New Riders, having contributed to *Flash 4 Magic* under the mentorship of J. Scott Hamlin. Sam and Branden didn’t know each other at the time and followed their unique trajectories until they met at Flash Forward 2001 SF and clicked. Marathon coding sessions, creative problem-solving chains, and other such intellectual pursuits followed, culminating in a con call between Branden, Sam, and two New Riders editors.
Amazing to listen as Wan and Hall kept finishing each other’s sentences, waxing poetic about this new *thing* they were doing with ActionScript, creating objects, yeah doing OOP with ActionScript they’re widgets we call them widgets, components, and it’s quite remarkable once you understand the principles involved what can be done here you’re actually building entire applications yes it might make a pretty interesting book I think….
That was during the Flash 5 revision cycle, and these guys were ahead of their time. As Branden and Sam continued their careers, rumors began circulating about Branden and Samuel’s book; frankly, it’s become pretty highly anticipated among many in the Flash development community, due to two things: 1.) Applying OOP to ActionScripting is an exciting challenge to those who realize the powerful results that can come of it, and 2.) Most of these people realize no one is better qualified to write such book than Mr. Hall and Mr. Wan, who have been doing some extremely thought-provoking demonstrations of OOP ActionScripting over the last year or so.
So here we are: *Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript* started out as a brain-dump of Branden and Samuel’s presentations given at myriad conferences and seminars over 18 months, then took shape and found structure, covering the following topics:
–Applying OOP principles and design patterns to ActionScript
–Creating well-designed custom objects
–Leveraging both OOP and design patterns in architecting Flash MX applications
–Creating and OOP and design pattern-based application from scratch
–Mastering the new Flash MX components and learning to build your own
–Combining components via their events and APIs
–Customizing components’ look and feel with and without code
–Adding custom UIs and live previews to your components
–Connecting Flash MX to servers in a number of ways, including Flash Remoting
To all those who have waited patiently for this book… thanks for your patience and we hope you get as much out of it as the authors put into it. Let us know how it works for you and what you want to see in the next edition. Steve Weiss, executive editor, New Riders. steve.weiss@newriders.com.
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