Book Details
Hardcover: 396 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; Bk&CD-Rom edition (January 15, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134516753
ISBN-13: 978-0134516752
From the Inside Flap
During my earliest experience with Verilog HDL, I was looking for a book that could give me a "jump start" on using Verilog HDL. I wanted to learn basic digital design paradigms and the necessary Verilog HDL constructs that would help me build small digital circuits, using Verilog and run simulations. After I had gained some experience with building basic Verilog models, I wanted to learn to use Verilog HDL to build larger designs. At that time I was searching for a book that broadly discussed advanced Verilog-based digital design concepts and real digital design methodologies. Finally, when I had gained enough experience with digital design and verification of real IC chips, though manuals of Verilog-based products were available, from time to time, I felt the need for a Verilog HDL book that would act as a handy reference. This book emphasizes breadth rather than depth. The book imparts to the reader a working knowledge of a broad variety of Verilog-based topics, thus giving the reader a global understanding of Verilog HDL-based design. The book leaves the in-depth coverage of each topic to the Verilog HDL language reference manual and the reference manuals of the individual Verilog-based products. This book should be classified not only as a Verilog HDL book but, more generally, as a digital design book. It important to realize that Verilog HDL is only a tool used in digital design. It is the means to an end- the digital IC chip. Therefore, this book stresses the practical design perspective more than the mere language aspects of Verilog HDL. With HDL-based digital design becoming popular, no digital designer can afford to ignore HDLs.
Who Should Use This Book...
The book is intended primarily for beginners and intermediate-level Verilog users. However, for advanced Verilog users, the broad coverage of topics makes it an excellent reference book to be used in conjunction with the manuals and training materials of Verilog-based products. The book presents a logical progression of Verilog HDL-based topics. It starts with the basics, such as HDL-based design methodologies, and then gradually builds on the basics to eventually reach advanced topics, such as PLI or logic synthesis. Thus, the book is useful to Verilog users with varying levels of expertise as explained below.
Students in logic design courses at universities Part 1 of this book is ideal for a foundation semester course in Verilog HDL-based logic design. Students are exposed to hierarchical modeling concepts, basic Verilog constructs and modeling techniques, and the necessary knowledge to write small models and run simulations.
New Verilog users in the industry Companies are moving to Verilog HDL- based design. Part 1 of this book is a perfect jump start for designers who want to orient their skills toward HDL-based design.
Users with basic Verilog knowledge who need to understand advanced concepts Part 2 of this book discusses advanced concepts, such as UDPs, timing simulation, PLI, and logic synthesis, which are necessary for graduation from small Verilog models to larger designs.
Verilog experts
All Verilog topics are covered, from the basics modeling constructs to advanced topics like PLIs and logic synthesis. For Verilog experts, this book is a handy reference to be used along with the reference manuals. The material in the book sometimes leans toward an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design methodology. However, the concepts explained in the book are general enough to be applicable to the design of FPGAs, PALs, buses, boards, and systems. The book uses Medium Scale Integration (MSI) logic examples to simplify discussion. The same concepts apply to VLSI designs.
How This Book Is Organized:
This book is organized into three parts. Part 1, Basic Verilog Topics, covers all information that a new user needs to build small Verilog models and run simulations. Note that in Part 1, gate-level modeling is addressed before behavioral modeling. I have chosen to do so because I think that it is easier for a new user to see a 1-1 correspondence between gate- level circuits and equivalent Verilog descriptions. Once gate-level modeling is understood, a new user can move to higher levels of abstraction, like data flow modeling and behavioral modeling, without losing sight of the fact that Verilog HDL is a language for digital design and is not a programming language. Thus, a new user starts off with the idea that Verilog is a language for digital design. New users who start with behavioral modeling often tend to write Verilog the way they write their C programs. They sometimes lose sight of the fact that they are trying to represent hardware circuits by using Verilog. Part 1 contains nine chapters.
Part 2, Advanced Verilog Topics, contains the advanced concepts a Verilog user needs to know to graduate from small Verilog models to larger designs. Advanced topics such as timing simulation, switch-level modeling, UDPs, PLI, and logic synthesis are covered. Part 2 contains five chapters. Part 3, Appendices, contains information useful as a reference. Useful information, such as strength-level modeling, list of PLI routines, formal syntax definition, Verilog tidbits, and large Verilog examples is included. Part 3 contains six appendices.
Conventions Used in This Book. Table\x11PR-1 describes the type changes and symbols used in this book. Table\x11PR-1 Typographic Conventions Typeface or Symbol
Examples: AaBbCc123 Keywords, system tasks and compiler directives that are a part of Verilog HDL and, nand, $display, `define AaBbCc123 Emphasis. cell characterization, instantiation AaBbCc123 Names of signals, modules, ports, etc. fulladd4, D_FF, out A few other conventions need to be clarified.
In the book, use of Verilog and Verilog HDL refers to the "Verilog Hardware Description Language." Any reference to a Verilog-based simulator is specifically mentioned, using words such as Verilog simulator or trademarks such as Verilog-XL or VCS.
The word designer is used frequently in the book to emphasize the digital design perspective. However, it is a general term used to refer to a Verilog HDL user
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